As always, your flash skill is amazing. I CANNOT wait until the next episode. Until the feature, actually! I wanna find out what happens!
As always, your flash skill is amazing. I CANNOT wait until the next episode. Until the feature, actually! I wanna find out what happens!
Very nice!
I like the style! I don't think I've seen it anywhere else on Newgrounds! Although, for some reason it reminded me of Sesame Street even though Sesame Street didn't do anything like this. I think it was just that you used kids. By the way, are you in Britain? I just noticed that the kids had very pronounced accents.
Anyway, nice smooth animation that went well with what the kids were saying. For unrehearsed interviews, you got some marvelous answers although I doubt those boys did asking their teacher when art was invented. Anyway, nice intervies and I don't know what you're talking about 'averagey' film and wasted money. An HD camera is never a waste of money as long and you continue using it and the film was lovely!
Anyway, 5/5 and 10/10. Beautiful job.
yeah this was made in england. thanks for the review
Cool art, great concept, awesome music. I like the most how you had the action of the flash coincide with certain parts of the song. Not a lot of flash animators do that. Beaufiful job.
That was just cute. The ending was hilarious. Did you eat all that candy when you were done or did you have help?
Okay, that was just plain dirty.
What is that song your singing in the Easter Egg?
Why is Mario talking with a Middle Eastern accent?
Liked it all, though. Nice, smooth animation.
I only gave you a 8 simply for the reason that 1, I don't like odd numbers, and 2, when you have them skating in the race, it looks more like their body is leading, rather then their feet. In real life, when you actually skate, it's the opposite. You lead with your feet and the body follows. For improvement on your technique, you should probably go watch some actual skaters and pay attention to how their body and, more importantly, how their feet move when they wheel from point A to point B. It's less like walking, the way you have it, and more like gliding. I mean, their on wheels, for criss sake, but while the animation is smooth, their skating is choppy.
Otherwise, you did a beautiful job. Your artwork is lovely and your animation is just as. (Except in the end where she's leaning on the pole and her legs are crossed. When a real girl stands like that, there's no little triangle between your thighs. What when your girlfriend does it, sometime.) Anyway, beautiful job. I really liked it and I can't wait to see the rest of this series.
~Freya's Daughter~
That was so damn cute!!! I loved it! Liked the animation, nice and smooth. And the storyline made me feel all cute and fuzzy inside.
Lol, I just watched all of these from one to 11 (saw 11 first cause it was on the main page) and I have to say you are a genius. The animation is very well done and the hilarity makes me fall off my chair.
This next comment not meant to be racist or anything. I'm Hispanic. But...that is the fastest talking Mexican I have ever come across. I thought Puerto Ricans had a speaking time limit, but apparently, so do you.
Ha ha ha yeeeah, it's part of the comedy factor inside our colloquial slang. :P
Cause that wasn't weird as hell.
Age 34, Female
American Soldier
Joined on 8/23/09